Befragung von deutsch- und französischsprachigen Schweizern zu Sicherheit, La...
Since 1989, the Military Sociology Lectureship of the Military Academy at ETH Zurich and the Center for Security Studies of ETH Zurich have regularly carried out the... -
Enquête transversale sur la santé auprès de la population âgée en Valais et G...
The research focuses on factors (internal and environmental) and processes that promote or support the aging person's independence, his/her physical and mental integrity, and... -
Studien- und Berufswahl von Maturandinnen und Maturanden im Kanton Zürich: Be...
Die bildungspolitische Landschaft der Schweiz ist in den letzten Jahren - insbesondere was die Sekundär- und Terziärstufe betrifft - in Bewegung geraten (Schaffung von... -
Survey on the Size and Structure of the Swiss Occupational Therapy Workforce
In order to plan and implement effective measures to counter staff shortages among OTs in Switzerland, empirical data on the size and structure of the Swiss occupational therapy... -
Surface Groups Lithuania 1984-2020
This project develops a novel procedure for proxying economic activity with daytime satellite imagery across time periods and spatial units, for which reliable data on economic... -
Khoekhoegowab Lexical Study of Personality - Survey Responses
Personality psychology relies heavily on evidence from North America and Europe. Lexical studies, based on the rationale that the most important psychological distinctions... -
Nouveaux mouvements sociaux dans les années 1980, données internationales
This study investigates in a comparative way the new social movements (NSMs) in 4 countries of Western Europe: Germany, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland. We have focused... -
BILANZ – SwissRichListDataset 1989-2020
We present a new panel dataset built based on Swiss rich lists published in the BILANZ business magazine over the period, covering the period 1989-2020. Based on this dataset,... -
Befragung von Gemeindeschreibern in der Schweiz über Gemeindereformen - 1994
This research description refers to a series of studies that have been conducted over time on Swiss municipalities, but appear in the research directory of FORS under different... -
International colour-emotion survey data from Estonia (EE)
In 2015, we launched the data collection on our international colour-emotion association survey. The data is collected online... -
Befragung von Alumni von Management-Weiterbildungen zur ihrer Laufbahn - 2011
Current career literature discusses the occurrence of new forms of career including increasing mobility, boundary crossing and self-directedness and the decline of the... -
Vox 21 - Votation du 26.02.1984
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Wertvorstellungen junger Erwachsener - 1994
The aim of the study was the recording and longitudinal comparison of basic values of 20-year-old adults in the areas of family, work and public life. The answers of 20-year-old... -
Erhebung zur europäischen Integration, allgemeine politische Fragen, Biotechn...
The European Commission's Eurobarometer surveys provide important data for social sciences in the broadest sense. Originally conceived as an opinion barometer on European... -
Sicherheit 2016. Aussen-, Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitische Meinungsbi...
This survey is part of the study series "Security". This series of studies is based on a representative survey of security policy opinion-forming in Switzerland carried out in... -
Lehrlingsausbildung in der Schweiz: Kosten und Finanzierung - 1995
Das Projekt verfolgte die folgenden inhaltlichen Hauptziele: - Gewinnen von Angaben zum Umfang der Bildungsleistungen (Inputs an finanziellen Mitteln, an Zeitressourcen usw.),... -
Berichterstattung zur Schweizerischen Aussenpolitik in Presse und Fernsehen -...
Politikvermittlung erfolgt heute weitgehend über die Kanäle der Massenmedien. Politische Medieninhalte wiederum werden als ein Produkt der Interaktion zwischen politischen... -
Swiss Job Market Monitor 1950-2023
The Swiss Job Market Monitor (SJMM, www.stellenmarktmonitor.uzh.ch) is devoted to a systematic monitoring and analysis of the Swiss labor market. For this purpose, SJMM has... -
Vox 118 - Votation du 08.03.2015
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Erwerbsunterbrüche vor der Geburt: Befragung Arbeitgebende
Le projet de recherche contribue à répondre au Postulat Maury Pasquier (15.3793), qui demande au Conseil fédéral de préparer un rapport sur les interruptions de travail des...