The 20 data files in this deposit report the detailed procedure of conducting the (template) analysis of qualitative interview data, while protecting the highly identifiable participant data (the 'raw' data), which are stored in a non-public archive and only available to the study team. The data files therefore describe the evolution of all codes, themes, subthemes, and every template version during data analysis. The resulting data analysis files provide a clear and richly detailed audit trail of analysis development. The study protocol is available via the Open Science Framework ( healthcare professionals' (HCPs) experiences of caring for women with false positive screening test results in the National Health Service Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) is important for reducing the negative impact of such results. Interviews were undertaken with 12 HCPs from a single NHSBSP unit. Data were analysed thematically using template analysis.
One-to-one semi-structured interviews