Strikes in the Netherlands, 1810-1995


The dataset contains data on all known strikes in the Netherlands during the period 1810-1998. Dataset also includes data on other incidents of labour unrest.

The original dataset in Access was built by Sjaak van der Velden for his thesis (defended in 2000) and enlarged in later years.

Metadata Access
Creator J.H.A. van der Velden
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Sjaak van der Velden
Publication Year 2012
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Sjaak van der Velden (IISH)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/dbf; application/octet-stream; text/plain; application/x-msaccess; text/tab-separated-values; application/zip; application/pdf; application/x-msdownload; application/winhlp
Size 24098; 176345; 2218; 32172; 14690; 4834; 228; 4737; 18594; 197632; 151040; 306; 15360; 3438; 245; 15511; 147728; 207216; 5916; 181; 171; 5776; 178688; 6156; 534; 5696; 29696; 68460; 533; 68944; 22288; 140288; 149; 5061; 2005; 112783292; 15355708; 468; 20461; 176401; 221; 2161; 239; 32981; 353; 15049; 266; 231; 212; 3384275; 73184; 570128; 17862656; 59392; 1125; 196; 5025; 19968; 343519; 195; 354401; 139277; 564; 1501; 563; 26326; 2058; 12800; 26552; 379152; 14188; 10240; 136; 14485; 118784; 48640; 5258075; 9489408; 134; 160; 102; 40; 251396; 252578; 409; 166912; 140702; 44171; 418; 251616; 4096; 63; 6492488; 924432; 1009136; 1064456; 244232; 1046288; 123664; 24848; 166408; 78848; 252176; 415504; 1384448; 326656; 266293; 459776; 4624; 112293; 4423; 383101; 6098; 234769; 598288; 164112; 1073404; 1456336; 97319; 29598; 214; 19456; 169; 30329; 163; 99; 2107; 174352; 204296; 46929; 151824; 249856; 139776; 6395; 73216; 20673; 1199; 3070901; 3201523; 3198624; 4809216; 4793856; 518; 3367936; 3082240; 192; 15803695; 946; 303104; 16443392; 1200; 23759; 1320808; 8949; 119502; 8384; 198; 8217; 17920; 329728; 200704; 154; 96; 61; 158; 106; 66; 89360; 101888; 30992
Version 3.0
Discipline Economics; History; Humanities; Social and Behavioural Sciences