Rail Vehicle Positioning Data Set: Lucy, October 2018

Key facts

    Fields of application: railway positioning, sensor fusion, sensor models
    Available data: 2x GNSS, 1x IMU
    Rail-track characteristics: ≈120 km on conventional and secondary line (tight curves, steep slopes, forested embankment)
    Available reference data: Open GNSS/IMU EKF-fusion solution (loosely coupled), high precision 3D track-map
    Structure: This data set follows the data sharing principles of the LRT (localization reference train) initiative that are available at lrt-initiative.org.

About This data set can be used for rail vehicle positioning experiments. It contains measurements of an 6-DOF IMU and two GNSS receivers. The senors were mounted on a regular rail vehicle during a trip from Chemnitz (Germany, Saxony) to Schwarzenberg (Germany, Saxony) and back. The recorded data have been pre-processed to have common time and coordinate frames. Furthermore, a simple loosely coupled GNSS/IMU positioning solution is provided which can be used as a baseline for more advanced fusion approaches. All MATLAB scripts used to process the raw data and to calculate the GNSS/IMU positioning solution are provided within the data set. The data can be used as a starting point for own work. Special features of this data set are its covered terrain (tight curves, steep slopes, forest embankment), its test-track (often used as test-track for new railway equipment) and the availability of a high precision 3D track-map. Similar data sets




BibTex @Misc{WinterRailDataSetOctober2018, title = {Rail Vehicle Positioning Data Set: Lucy, October 2018},
author = {Winter, Hanno}, doi = {10.25534/tudatalib-360}, publisher = {Technische Universität Darmstadt}, year = {2020}, }

Source https://tudatalib.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/handle/tudatalib/2530
Metadata Access https://tudatalib.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/oai/openairedata?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:tudatalib.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de:tudatalib/2530
Creator Winter, Hanno
Publisher TU Darmstadt
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact https://tudatalib.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/page/contact
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Version initial version
Discipline Other