A massive coverage experiment of cosmic ray neutron sensors for soil moisture observation in a pre-alpine catchment in SE-Germany (part II: thermal imagery) [pre-review version]


Dataset accompanying the publication "A massive coverage experiment of cosmic ray neutron sensors for soil moisture observation in a pre-alpine catchment in SE-Germany" (ESSD 2019, subm.) The publication contains records of cosmic ray neutron sensing (CRNS - stationary, roving and Neutron flux), meteo data, soil moisture (SoilNet, FDR, profile probes, gravimetric), soil properties (bulk density, organic matter), vegetation / biomass surveys, groundwater levels and discharge (part I, http://doi.org/10.23728/b2share.85fe0f9dac0f48df9215c17e65d1f1e1) and thermal imagery from UAS's (part II, http://doi.org/10.23728/b2share.93ed99e486904d48a8a6a68083066198).

cosmic ray neutron sensing (CRNS - stationary, roving, Bonner spheres), meteo data, soil moisture (SoilNet, FDR, profile probes, gravimetric), soil properties (bulk density, organic matter), vegetation / biomass surveys, thermal imagery from UAS's, groundwater levels, discharge

DOI https://doi.org/10.23728/b2share.93ed99e486904d48a8a6a68083066198
Source https://b2share.eudat.eu/records/93ed99e486904d48a8a6a68083066198
Metadata Access https://b2share.eudat.eu/api/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=eudatcore&identifier=oai:b2share.eudat.eu:b2rec/93ed99e486904d48a8a6a68083066198
Creator Fersch, Benjamin; Francke, Till; Heistermann, Maik; Schrön, Martin; Döpper, Veronika; Jakobi, Jannis
Publication Year 2020
Rights Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact fersch(at)kit.edu
Format tif; zip; json; geojson
Size 135.2 MB; 37 files
Discipline 3.3.12 → Earth sciences → Hydrogeology; 3.3.2 → Earth sciences → Environmental science; 3.3.13 → Earth sciences → Hydrology; 3.3.14 → Earth sciences → Meteorology; 3.3.21 → Earth sciences → Soil science; 2.7.6 → Geography → Remote sensing; 3.1.7 → Biology → Botany