Tab. 1 Analyses of major phases in Vestgötabreen formation schists

The glaucophane schists of Oscar II Land, it has been suggested, originated in a compressive plate boundary subduction zone environment. An alternative hypothesis is presented here linking the metamorphism of these schists with that of the surrounding pre-Carboniferous rocks. It has been estimated from mineralogical and textural relationships that at the time of metamorphism these rocks exceeded 30 km in thickness. Similarly, an ambient geothermal gradient of 15° C/km has been calculated for the now exposed succession. Pressures of sufficient magnitude would be realised near the base of this geosynclinal pile to produce eclogite from rocks of basic composition. Subsequent synmetamorphic penetrative deformation would give rise to glaucophane and greenschist facies assemblages.

Supplement to: Manby, G M (1978): Aspects of Caledonian metarnorphism in central western Svalbard with particular reference to the Glaucophane schists of Oscar II Land. Polarforschung, 48(1/2), 92-102

Metadata Access
Creator Manby, G M
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1978
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 296 data points
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (12.510 LON, 78.472 LAT); Oscar II Land, Svalbard