Purpose of this study is the construction of a measurement instrument on well-being among the elderly by means of facet design. Six different well-being questionnaires have been used: some questions with different answer categories (scales). Each respondent has been interviewed by means of a combination of 3 of these questionnaires. Satisfaction, now and in the past, regarding: government policy concerning the elderly, personal finances, health, activities done, degree of self-support, society and life in general, importance of these matters to r. / expectations for the future / r.'s reaction to stress / physical and mental problems / use of alcohol, medicine, smoking / frequency of these reactions / comparison of r.'s living situation with peer group / self-esteem / belief in efforts and initiatives versus chance, luck and fate / need for contacts / ability to be sociable / extrovert or introvert. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion