ifo Education Survey (2018) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2018) - versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2021) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2021) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2020) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2020) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2019) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2019) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2017) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2017) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2016) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2016) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2015) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2015) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
ifo Education Survey (2014) - version 2 ifo Bildungsbarometer (2014) - Versi...
The ifo Education Survey is an annual representative public opinion poll which surveys the adult German population since 2014. The ifo Education Survey covers a wide range of... -
UCL ECJ Building Hope Conference Presentation
This is the speaker presentation deck of the UCL ECJ Building Hope Conference held on 20 September 2024 (#UCLBuildingHope2024). -
UCL ECJ Building Hope Conference Capture Report
This is the capture document summarising the UCL ECJ Building Hope Conference held on 20 September 2024 (#UCLBuildingHope2024). -
Omnibus-enquete Gemeente Lelystad 1995 - VSO
Opinion of inhabitants of Lelystad about living in Lelystad and several aspects of the municipal policy. Position of r. at the labour market / victimization / intentions to move... -
Inwoners-enquete Gemeente Eindhoven maart 1996 - VSO
Use of car, bicycle, motorbike, moped, public transport / limitation of motor traffic, improvement of city bus services and facilities for cyclists / environment versus motor... -
Stadspanelonderzoek Dordrecht maart 1998 - VSO
Opinion of inhabitants of Dordrecht, concerning several aspects of living in Dordrecht, and the municipal policy Opinion about, experiences with, town guards - 'stadswachten'... -
Verschillen tussen groepen automobilisten met betrekking tot milieu-relevant ...
Characteristics of r's car/ ownership: private, employer or lease / who pays costs / making use of other vehicles: bicycle, public transport/ purposes of car use, frequency,... -
Consument en milieu 1995
Survey concerning environmental problems and environmental policy. General attitude towards environmental issues / supposed attitudes of others towards the environment / role... -
Werklozen 1974 : Moeilijkheden bij ( her- )intreding
Unemployed: details on job history and unemployment history / preferences for working situation and job / chances and actions taken for finding a job / functioning of employment... -
Snelheid van het autoverkeer 1995
The acceptance of policies to reduce negative externalties of transport by lowering the speed of car drivers. Respondent has disposal of means of transport / drivers license /... -
Landelijke evaluatie onderwijsvoorrangsbeleid - LEO 1988,1989,1990,1991 : Le...
National evaluation educational priority policy at elementary schools/ pupils and parents. Pupils: languages tests and arithmetic tests (developed by CITO) and intelligence... -
Inwonersonderzoek gemeente Culemborg 1997 - VSO
Survey among inhabitants of Culemborg. Opinion of r. about quality of public service, public information, and several aspects of municipal policy concerning district management,... -
Ombuigingsbeleid ten aanzien van de gemeentepolitie 1982
Survey and analysis of economy measures in municipal police forces. The study contains 12 data files on municipal police forces. The files derive from a mail survey among the...