CO and HCN observations of circumstellar envelopes

We have searched the literature for all observations of the ^12^CO(1-0), ^12^CO(2-1), and HCN(1-0) lines in circumstellar envelopes of late type stars published between January 1985 and September 1992. We report data for 1361 observations (stellar velocity, expansion velocity, peak intensity, integrated area, noise level). This CO-HCN sample now contains 444 sources. 184 are identified as oxygen-rich, 205 as carbon-rich, and there are 9 S stars. About 85% of the sources are AGB stars. There are 32 planetary nebulae and about thirty post-AGB stars candidates. Besides results of millimeter observations, we also list identifications, coordinates, IRAS data, chemical and spectral types for every source. For AGB stars, we have estimated (or compiled) bolometric fluxes and distances for 349 sources, and mass loss rates deduced from CO results for 324 sources, taking into account the influence of the CO photodissociation radius. We also list mass loss rates derived from detailed models of CO emission which we could find in the literature.

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Metadata Access
Creator Loup C.; Forveille T.; Omont A.; Paul J.F.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2005
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interstellar medium; Natural Sciences; Physics; Stellar Astronomy