We present the results of a survey for CaII {lambda}{lambda}3934,3969 absorption-line systems culled from ~95000 Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 and Data Release 9 quasar spectra. With 435 doublets identified in the catalogue, this list is the largest CaII catalogue compiled to date, spanning redshifts z<1.34, which corresponds to the most recent ~8.9Gyr of the history of the Universe. We derive statistics on the Caii rest equivalent width distribution and incidence. We find that the {lambda}3934 rest equivalent width (W_0_^{lambda}3934^) distribution cannot be described by a single exponential function. A double exponential function is required to produce a satisfactory description.
Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/444/1747/table1 (The CaII absorbers from SDSS-DR9)