Reactions of subscribers of the opinion weekly Vrij Nederland concerning advertisements meant to stimulate experiments and innovations in art. Interpretation of advertisements / interest in: cross-word puzzles and cryptograms/ limericks/ codes, ciphers, picture puzzles/ word games/ construction puzzles/ etc. / ( ascribed ) possession of special qualities regarding: mathematics, languages, music, literature, wittiness / compared with others more: dynamic, creative, open minded, flexible and differentiated, efficient and down-to-earth / ever: wrote poem, short story, novel/ did acting, drawing, painting/ invented something now used / reading of reviews of theatre play, music, literature, sculpture, films / attendance of theatre play, concert, art exposition, films, reading books / attraction to classic art, modern art, experimental art, entertainment art / subscription to newspapers and opinion weeklies. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure