The average trait values of measured experimental field species of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall from 2019. Values were determined by first averaging the value of two leaves from the same individual. Then values for 1-4 individuals of a given species in each plot were averaged to obtain a plot average, because analyses were done at the plot-level. Leaf area is the total area of a given leaf measured fresh with ImageJ, specific leaf area is the ratio of fresh leaf area to oven dried leaf mass, major vein length per unit area is the ratio of total primary and secondary leaf veins to fresh leaf area, and leaf lobedness is the lobedness of a leaf measured as the ratio of leaf perimeter squared to the product of leaf area and pi.
Unique identifer for every plot. The first letter: P represents restored plots and I represents unrestored plots; The second letter: S represents drought, and C represents ambient weather conditions). The number is the replicate number of a given treatment combination.