Divergent sensory investment mirrors potential speciation via niche partition...
Data Availability: All data supporting the findings of this study, including methodology examples, raw images and z-stack scans, statistical assessments as well as insect... -
Rannikkoalueiden ekologiset kynnysarvot - kansainvälinen asiantuntijakysely 2008
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä rannikkoalueiden ekologisista kynnysarvoista. Aluksi selvitettiin erilaisten kynnysarvojen merkitystä. Vastaajat asettivat... -
Silloin ekologisuus näyttäytyi elämässäni 2010
Muisteluaineisto, joka kerätty kirjoitustehtävän ja pienryhmätyöskentelyn avulla. Kirjoitustehtävän aiheena oli "Silloin ekologisuus näyttäytyi elämässäni". Muistelutyötä varten... -
Slovensko javno mnenje 2017/1
Vsebina raziskave je proceduralno ekvivalentna ponovitev Evropske raziskave vrednot. Zajeta so razna področja vrednot in stališč do sodobnih družbenih problemov, kot so... -
Slovensko javno mnenje 1995/2
Vsebina raziskave je proceduralno ekvivalentna ponovitev mednarodne raziskave vrednot, ki predstavlja prvi del vprašalnika. Dodan je samo blok vprašanj na temo alkoholizma in... -
Supplemental Data of: Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predat...
Palate breadth of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens), South American fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) and Franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) from Río de... -
Supplemental Data of: Does sexual segregation occur during the non-breeding p...
We evaluated the degree of sexual segregation (SS) in the feeding ecology, in the choice of main non-breeding areas, in behaviour and in migratory phenology of three closely... -
Satakunta 2050 -kansalaiskeskustelu 2020
Satakunta 2050 -kansalaiskeskustelussa pyrittiin selvittämään Satakunnan asukkaiden näkemyksiä maakunnan tulevaisuudesta. Aineisto koostuu kansalaiskeskustelun... -
Vegetation cover during experimental drought and restoration in a coastal pra...
The average cover values of all plant species within experimental treatment plots of restored, unrestored, droughted and ambient rainfall plots from 2021. Data was taken using a... -
Survival and growth of 711 forest tree taxa in eight French arboretums from t...
Abstract The dataset is checklist of 711 native and exotic forest tree taxa (species, subspecies and arieties) from 177 genera worldwide, their survival and growth in eight... -
A two-decade timeseries of baseline nutrient variations in the San Francisco ...
Amino acids were isolated from the muscle tissue of Potamocorbula amurensis, an invasive clam species, collected from two locations in the northern portion of the San Francisco... -
A twenty-year record of carbon isotope values of amino acids from Potamocorbu...
Amino acids were isolated from the muscle tissue of Potamocorbula amurensis, an invasive clam species, collected from two locations in the northern portion of the San Francisco... -
A twenty-year record of biogeochemical changes in the San Francisco Bay Estua...
Amino acids were isolated from the muscle tissue of Potamocorbula amurensis, an invasive clam species, collected from two locations in the northern portion of the San Francisco... -
Taxon classification for phylogenetic analysis of plant cover during experime...
Taxonomic names and classifications derived from plant community data in 2021 formatted for extracting a phylogenetic tree using R. -
Global literature database for freshwater jellyfish research between 1880 and...
Freshwater jellyfish (FWJ) research has historically been hampered by several factors, including but not limited to: focus on one life cycle stage, diversity of publication... -
Airborne laser scanning (ALS) point clouds with full-waveform (FWF) data of c...
Full-waveform (FWF) airborne laser scanning (ALS) data were acquired in southwest Germany in July 2019. We clipped the data to the extent of the 12 forest plots described in the... -
Known mapped areas of seagrass (Zostera marina & Zostera noltii) meadows arou...
Since 1998, approximately 148,134,806 m2 (14,813.5 Ha) of seagrass habitat has been mapped across the United Kingdom coastline. This was calculated from a total of 1,872... -
Vegetative and management assessment of restored California coastal grasslands
These data are data from vegetation surveys completed at restored California coastal grasslands from 2019-2021 as well as summarized qualitative data from management interviews... -
Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central E...
Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a... -
Terrestrial, UAV-borne, and airborne laser scanning point clouds of central E...
Laser scanning point clouds of forest stands were acquired in southwest Germany in 2019 and 2020 from different platforms: an aircraft, an uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) and a...