This data set contains the CTD data collected from the RV URANIA of the CNR (Italy) during the PRIMO93 cruise, from 8 to 23 November 1993, which was part of an intensive field program in the Sicily Channel and in the southern Tyrrhenian basin conducted by the Stazione Oceanografica of CNR in different periods from 1993 to 1995. It was used, in particular, for a study on the dynamics and mixing of the Eastern Mediterranean outflow in the Tyrrhenian basin (Sparnocchia et al., 1999).
The full-depth CTD profiles were performed using a Neil-Brown MKIIIb CTD, subjected to pre-cruise and post-cruise calibrations at the SACLANT Center of La Spezia. Furthermore, the salinity calibration was also carried out on board collecting water samples at standard depths, which were analyzed with an Autosal Guildline salinometer.
The estimated precisions were 0.0058 °C for temperature and 0.002 for salinity.
The data set is provided as an ODV Collection, which contains, for each station the following parameters:
Depth [m]
Temperature_IPTS-68 [deg C]
Conductivity [mS/cm]
Temperature_ITS-90 [deg C]
Salinity_PSS-78 (Practical Salinity)