The project ‘Higher Education as a Generator of Strategic Competences’ (HEGESCO) addresses the needs of the main groups of higher education stakeholders who are interested in the employability of graduates. Based on several project reports, higher education institutions have been provided with empirically based evidence for planning their curricula, strategies and general orientations. Employers have been provided with evidence how skills, qualifications and job descriptions are identified, adapted and rewarded. Policy makers at the national and European level have been provided with evidence on the implementation of the Bologna process. Higher education graduates learnt and reflected on their higher education learning experiences and the importance of other determinants of their career success. The scientific community have been provided with the HEGESCO large scale survey database, which together with the REFLEX database presents one of the largest graduate employability surveys in Europe and worldwide.
Probability: Systematic randomProbability.SystematicRandom
Self-administered questionnaire: PaperSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire.Paper