Locus of the Stroop-like interference in colour and picture naming


This dataset belongs to the research article entitled "Using brain potentials to functionally localise Stroop-like effects in colour and picture naming: Perceptual encoding versus word planning", authored by Natalia Shitova, Ardi Roelofs, Herbert Schriefers, Marcel Bastiaansen, and Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen, accepted for publication in PLOS ONE.The experiment was performed in 24 human subjects, using behavioural measures, such as reaction time and error rate, and scalp EEG recordings. This dataset includes behavioural and EEG raw data for three tasks (the classical Stroop task, the classical Picture-word Interference task, and a Stroop-like Picture-Word Interference task), as well as presentation scripts used during the experiment (in Presentation software) and analysis scripts (in Matlab). The data and scripts given are sufficient to replicate findings described in the article.

Please note: Part of the data in this dataset is too large to be downloaded via EASY, this concerns the raw EEG data. Please contact DANS via for assistance.

Metadata Access
Creator N. Shitova; A.P.A. Roelofs
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor RU Radboud University
Publication Year 2016
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact RU Radboud University
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/vnd.hp-pcl; application/matlab-mat; text/x-matlab; text/plain; application/zip; application/pdf
Size 10545; 1521; 732; 3940; 11243; 154712; 1568; 3689; 9469; 9781; 751; 399; 1830; 1871; 1938; 1981; 178026; 750213; 2579; 2656; 1285; 6210; 6413; 3737; 173542; 334; 129384; 124271600; 1644; 9130; 15431; 37895; 124780800; 1638; 9126; 37897; 128313040; 9581; 15435; 37902; 173085120; 1645; 9104; 37993; 128506000; 1639; 9337; 37907; 144162560; 1642; 9810; 38020; 123108480; 1647; 9360; 37898; 124839760; 9378; 37894; 124346640; 1646; 9901; 37887; 125579440; 1653; 9295; 37905; 156217200; 1649; 9210; 38046; 139199200; 1643; 9754; 37952; 122717200; 9093; 14241; 37513; 130285520; 1650; 9404; 131577280; 1662; 9715; 14245; 37955; 134745040; 14243; 37919; 137162400; 1641; 9314; 37931; 142677840; 9902; 14247; 37992; 160328320; 9214; 38161; 131797040; 1640; 9306; 37976; 125761680; 9802; 37885; 147941360; 1670; 9280; 38037; 140710720; 9262; 37956; 127160640; 9733; 149962080; 9220; 14257; 38110; 138770400; 9376; 37945; 132965520; 14261; 37896; 129465440; 1652; 9318; 37916; 176917520; 1622; 38055; 9206; 37511; 127884240; 9871; 162552720; 1657; 9012; 14239; 38171; 125461520; 9302; 37892; 134734320; 14246; 37940; 127203520; 9227; 37910; 133662320; 9235; 37906; 128361280; 9923; 124668240; 9362; 37890; 129599440; 9395; 131496880; 9832; 37925; 147453600; 1651; 8898; 14251; 133453280; 9117; 37911; 136765760; 9771; 129020560; 9105; 132826160; 9120; 135302480; 9730; 127498320; 1658; 9197; 15329; 37900; 124968400; 1655; 15841; 37874; 126994480; 9750; 15845; 124823680; 9115; 37883; 123617680; 9188; 132520640; 9629; 129315360; 15429; 138732880; 9232; 37948; 9788; 15433; 37909; 128966960; 1659; 9335; 148863280; 9340; 38105; 126254800; 1635; 9689; 37284; 139638720; 1648; 9195; 38007; 129181360; 9261; 37924; 126077920; 9890; 37912; 15029440; 15327; 514; 133581920; 1666; 9266; 37969; 125992160; 9445; 37888; 123387200; 9977; 15331; 126662160; 1685; 9349; 127959280; 37914; 132879760; 9880; 37918; 128495280; 9140; 126195840; 9308; 127375040; 9766; 37937; 126506720; 1667; 9219; 37893; 129272480; 9236; 127878880; 9877; 134448; 131520; 1540
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Humanities; Life Sciences; Medicine; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences