Current meter Nortek Aquadopp data. Data for 2 current meter deployments of NORTEK Aquadopp instruments at the Rainbow Massif. Instruments where kindly provided by the Parc National d'Instrumentation Océanographique de l'INSU.
Data is provided in 2 sets of files, corresponding to deployments AES_C01 and AES_C02. The instruments where installed in a broadband OBS (BBOBS) from the INSU OBS National Park. Deployment AES_C02 includes two lowerings (see information below, indicated as deployments AES_C02A and AES_C02B).
AES_C01 with current meter serial number : A6L6094 (head) AQD11097 (Hardware), deployed on BB03 with deployment AES_B01_BB3. Bottom position: 36.23544°N, 33.91036°W, 2505 m waterdepth.
AES_C02_A with current meter serial number : A6L6127 (head) AQD11247 (Hardware), deployed on BB02, deployment AES_B03_BB02. Bottom position: 36.22233°N, 33.87996°W, 1950m waterdepth.
AES_C02_B with current meter serial number : A6L6127 (head) AQD11247 (Hardware), deployed on BB02, deployment AES_B06_BB02. Bottom position: 36.2020833°N, 33.8118833°W, 2557m waterdepth.
Data are provided in two zipped files that include:
AESC0101.aqd: Aquadopp binary file AESC0101.dat: Ascii table of data - full record AESC0101.dia: Aescii data file - partial record AESC0101.hdr: Instrument parameter information and description of columns in AESC0101.dat AESC0101.mat: Matlab file corresponding to AESC0101.dat AESC0101.ssl: Log of instrument (error and info messages)
In addition to several instrument logs:
AESC01_start.log AES_C01_deploy.dep AESC01_start.dep
The ascii file contains 27 columns as follows:
1 Month (1-12) 2 Day (1-31) 3 Year 4 Hour (0-23) 5 Minute (0-59) 6 Second (0-59) 7 Error code 8 Status code 9 Velocity (Beam1|X|East) (m/s) 10 Velocity (Beam2|Y|North) (m/s) 11 Velocity (Beam3|Z|Up) (m/s) 12 Amplitude (Beam1) (counts) 13 Amplitude (Beam2) (counts) 14 Amplitude (Beam3) (counts) 15 Battery voltage (V) 16 Soundspeed (m/s) 17 Soundspeed used (m/s) 18 Heading (degrees) 19 Pitch (degrees) 20 Roll (degrees) 21 Pressure (dbar) 22 Pressure (m) 23 Temperature (degrees C) 24 Analog input 1 25 Analog input 2 26 Speed (m/s) 27 Direction (degrees)