This archives orginates in the Cide Archaeological Project, an archaeological surface survey undertaken between 2009 - 2011 in the coastal Black Sea district of Cide and the adjacent inland district of Şenpazar, Kastamonu province, Turkey.This project was co-directed by Bleda Düring, Claudia Glatz and Emre Şerifoğlu. It was the first multi-period, systematic survey undertaken in the Western Turkish Black Sea Region, and was set up to investigate an archaeological terra incognita.The project fills an important gap in our knowledge of the archaeology of the region. The results have been published open access with De Gruyter open. That publication presents the main culture-historical results concerning the settlement history of the investigated region, embeds these results in the broader archaeological context of the surrounding regions, and discusses the methodological problems of surveying a highly challenging landscape such as the Western Turkish Black Sea Region.In this archive the primary data are presented upon which the book is based. The archive was prepared by Dr. Toby Wilkinson.
Date Submitted: 2015-07-02
Issued: 2015-06-29
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