Date of Operation: 6-July 2017 to 14-September-2017 10:00Location: Roof of 2 storey building at 2 Percy St, Auburn NSW 2144, Australia, -33.85472, 151.0373, 23.6 m above sea level, height mid-sonic above street level = 8.7 m, height mid-sonic above roof top=2.01 m Data collection rate: 10 Hz, average 5 min, timestamp end of collection periodBearing: 266 deg less 8 deg for offset Interruptions: logging program updated 14-July-2017 14:30Issues: There was difficulty in determining the orientation of the 3D-sonic due to the surrounding infrastructure and nearby high tension electrical power lines. Final orientation was determined using GPS locations, and verified by comparison with wind direction data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), Sydney Olympic Park AWS site (station number 066212, -33.8338, 151.0718). The average difference in measured wind direction to Olympic Park AWS was +8 +/- 20 deg (+/-1s.d.,N=1037, Wind speed > 1m/s) and 8 degrees has been subtracted from the recorded wind directions.