Hebrew Text Database ETCBC4b
Identifier | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-z6y-skyh |
Metadata Access | https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-z6y-skyh |
Provenance | |
Creator | W.T. van Peursen; C. Sikkel; D. Roorda |
Publisher | DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities |
Contributor | W.T. van Peursen; E. Talstra (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); J. Dyk (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); O. Glanz (Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University Berrien Springs, Michigan); R. Oosting (Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap); G. Kalkman (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam) |
Publication Year | 2015 |
Rights | CC-BY-NC-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0 |
OpenAccess | true |
Contact | W.T. van Peursen (VU University, Faculty of Theology) |
Representation | |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Format | application/octet-stream; application/x-bzip2; application/gzip; text/csv; text/xml; application/zip; text/html; text/plain; application/pdf |
Size | 29133; 23825822; 3648447; 4363189; 1262414; 334121; 4044534; 6293267; 1085758; 231030; 1623315; 437233; 1167; 1473; 105475; 116718592; 15014; 111645124; 154824964; 111807252; 23923252; 22347993; 312269237; 12582394; 673623649; 130885151; 38668279; 38310696; 5323553; 1678; 1143033; 1761617; 351707; 7568472; 7687748; 9977303; 7857311; 4721424; 532841; 2238751; 1561213; 2511751; 148336; 1324478; 2726390; 3206089; 3196308; 3509915; 1510496; 1156992; 1164939; 983256; 990360; 960134; 967803; 676215; 676685; 899648; 904493; 775755; 778314; 4003394; 4353641; 357454; 373681; 1441298; 2636388; 2684898; 1527075; 875220; 1726462; 1619768; 5609089; 1882449; 1760429; 1897066; 1563032; 2994758; 1885539; 1471307; 311568; 1148984; 305352; 3551749; 1746550; 1681362; 1786983; 1537418; 1566310; 24696; 7307; 2542581; 2570366; 2636393; 3192093; 3423220; 3210674; 2622588; 1369873; 879396; 1885541; 1120269; 931773; 3923104; 915748; 408566; 486174; 389892; 101605; 86789; 208939; 112615; 37285; 2286871; 2719209; 2161179; 2158818; 2920405; 2935063; 4915239; 4915456; 25025; 36121; 28545; 393179; 1225; 1367; 60052; 133705; 292256; 35272211; 26878019; 197467425; 1181; 680; 796; 3867; 14549; 232; 2017365; 9046869; 3863766; 10189974; 1403446; 5492048; 1316602; 7600591; 60161885; 64217391; 15993664; 914112; 487859; 3253; 1218880; 1214392; 10132504; 25073879; 26569983; 3180; 921; 6618; 7894395; 15878879 |
Version | 2.0 |
Discipline | Humanities; Linguistics |