Hebrew Text Database ETCBC4b


The ETCBC database of the Hebrew Bible, contains the scholarly text of the Hebrew Bible with linguistic markup.A previous version, Hebrew Text Database ETCBC4, can be found in EASY (see the link below). See the description there for more details.The present dataset is a new version:(A) the content has been updated, all features have been filled in for all objects whenever applicable;(B) not all feature values have been checked; for that we have to wait for version 4c.The reason to submit this version now is the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature (November 21-24, 2015, Atlanta).

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-z6y-skyh
Metadata Access https://ssh.datastations.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.17026/dans-z6y-skyh
Creator W.T. van Peursen; C. Sikkel; D. Roorda
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor W.T. van Peursen; E. Talstra (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); J. Dyk (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam); O. Glanz (Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University Berrien Springs, Michigan); R. Oosting (Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap); G. Kalkman (Eep Talstra Centre for Bible And Computing, VU University Amsterdam)
Publication Year 2015
Rights CC-BY-NC-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0
OpenAccess true
Contact W.T. van Peursen (VU University, Faculty of Theology)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/x-bzip2; application/gzip; text/csv; text/xml; application/zip; text/html; text/plain; application/pdf
Size 29133; 23825822; 3648447; 4363189; 1262414; 334121; 4044534; 6293267; 1085758; 231030; 1623315; 437233; 1167; 1473; 105475; 116718592; 15014; 111645124; 154824964; 111807252; 23923252; 22347993; 312269237; 12582394; 673623649; 130885151; 38668279; 38310696; 5323553; 1678; 1143033; 1761617; 351707; 7568472; 7687748; 9977303; 7857311; 4721424; 532841; 2238751; 1561213; 2511751; 148336; 1324478; 2726390; 3206089; 3196308; 3509915; 1510496; 1156992; 1164939; 983256; 990360; 960134; 967803; 676215; 676685; 899648; 904493; 775755; 778314; 4003394; 4353641; 357454; 373681; 1441298; 2636388; 2684898; 1527075; 875220; 1726462; 1619768; 5609089; 1882449; 1760429; 1897066; 1563032; 2994758; 1885539; 1471307; 311568; 1148984; 305352; 3551749; 1746550; 1681362; 1786983; 1537418; 1566310; 24696; 7307; 2542581; 2570366; 2636393; 3192093; 3423220; 3210674; 2622588; 1369873; 879396; 1885541; 1120269; 931773; 3923104; 915748; 408566; 486174; 389892; 101605; 86789; 208939; 112615; 37285; 2286871; 2719209; 2161179; 2158818; 2920405; 2935063; 4915239; 4915456; 25025; 36121; 28545; 393179; 1225; 1367; 60052; 133705; 292256; 35272211; 26878019; 197467425; 1181; 680; 796; 3867; 14549; 232; 2017365; 9046869; 3863766; 10189974; 1403446; 5492048; 1316602; 7600591; 60161885; 64217391; 15993664; 914112; 487859; 3253; 1218880; 1214392; 10132504; 25073879; 26569983; 3180; 921; 6618; 7894395; 15878879
Version 2.0
Discipline Humanities; Linguistics