Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) are of recent interest because they exhibit a shapememory effect that can be driven by magnetic fields. Thus, FSMAs are important for practicalapplications since the actuation is faster than the conventional SMA driven by temperature orstress. Although Ni2MnGa shows largest magnetic field induced strain (~10%), but its brittlenessand low transition temperature have necessitated the search for new alloys with similar MFIS withhigher transition temperatures and ductility. Our initial work indicates that the Pt doped Ni-Mn-Gacan be good alternative to the Ni2MnGa. The large MFIS in Ni2MnGa is related to the modulatedstructure, which is also expected for Pt doped Ni-Mn-Ga. Our aim is to investigate the modulatedcrystal and magnetic structure and the origin of modulation in Ni-Pt-Mn-Ga, which may providevaluable input to design new FSMA's.