This study examines the development of a volunteer project, COVID-19 Sledilnik and the reasons for its establishment. The project began at the outbreak of the coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 epidemic in Slovenia and soon became an important part of the Slovenian data infrastructure for the professional as well as the general public. The study examines the interaction Sledilnik had with the broader institutional environment. The study is based on 14 interviews with members of the Sledilnik community. The researcher wanted to analyse the way the data was aggregated, the forming of the Sledilnik community, the range of users of their services, Sledilnik’s own infrastructure and its organisation of labour division through ways of organization in open-source movements and data curation from science and technology studies. 14 interviews were conducted, 12 interviews are available in the ADP.
Non-probability: PurposiveNonprobability.Purposive
Non-probability: Respondent-assistedNonprobability.RespondentAssisted
Web-based interviewInterview.WebBased