Sociobarometer 2020
Sosiaalibarometrit ovat tutkimuksellisia ajankohtaisselvityksiä, joiden tarkoituksena on tuottaa mahdollisimman ajan tasalla olevaa tietoa hyvinvointipalvelujen,... -
Sociobarometer 2021
Sosiaalibarometrit ovat tutkimuksellisia ajankohtaisselvityksiä, joiden tarkoituksena on tuottaa mahdollisimman ajan tasalla olevaa tietoa hyvinvointipalvelujen,... -
Regime and cultural determinants of the acceptance of political decisions in ...
Under what conditions are people prepared to accept restrictions on their personal freedoms in order to protect their own well-being and health, but above all the well-being and... -
Psychological profile of the COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia, 2020
Rapid population response and compliance with preventive measures are two of the most effective ways to limit the spread of infections in the early stages of an epidemic. The... -
Attitudes towards SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, 2020
In December 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was first approved in the Western world. However the effectiveness of national vaccination plans depends on the willingness of the... -
Slovenian public opinion 2020/3
Slovenian public opinion 2020/3 includes several themes: (1) "Mirror of public opinion", (2) module of questions on the environment of the international survey ISSP 2020 -... -
Journalisternas frågor under Folkhälsomyndighetens presskonferenser under cor...
This dataset contains questions/turn-takings asked by journalists during the Public Health Agency of Sweden's press conferences during the corona pandemic throughout 2020, as... -
Nyhetsartiklar och förstasidor från 19 svenska nyhetssajter under coronapande...
This dataset contains news articles from Swedish news sites during the covid-19 corona pandemic 2020–2021. The purpose was to develop and test new methods for collection and... -
COVID-19 and Tourism, 2020
The present study provides a snapshot of Slovene perceptions in a historically unique point of time – the early days of the COVID-19 related lockdown. Based on an online survey... -
Survey on attitudes towards measures to curb COVID-19 epidemic in Slovenia, 2020
The outbreak of an epidemic is often accompanied by various measures, such as economic, social, and self-protective. In the case of the COVID–19 outbreak in Slovenia, the... -
Survey on personal assistance work during the covid-19, 2020
The aim of the survey was to obtain information about the working conditions of personal assistants (PAs) during the COVID-19 epidemic. The labor process of personal assistants... -
The launch of the participatory blog on everyday life and society was triggered by the Covid-19 epidemic, which radically changed daily routines and daily habits, thus... -
Monitoring the covid-19 epidemic: Sledilnik and slovenian data infrastructure...
This study examines the development of a volunteer project, COVID-19 Sledilnik and the reasons for its establishment. The project began at the outbreak of the coronavirus... -
Journalisternas frågor under Folkhälsomyndighetens presskonferenser under cor...
This dataset contains questions/turn-takings asked by journalists during the Public Health Agency of Sweden's press conferences during the corona pandemic throughout 2020, as... -
Nyhetsartiklar och förstasidor från 19 svenska nyhetssajter under coronapande...
This dataset contains news articles from Swedish news sites during the covid-19 corona pandemic 2020–2021. The purpose was to develop and test new methods for collection and... -
Dataset om erfarenheter och upplevelser av Covid-19 pandemin på försörjning o...
Household survey concerning rural South African smallholder households' experiences with the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on farming. The data consists of responses to six... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 2020/1
Like previous Slovenian Public Opinion (SJM) surveys, this survey was conducted in the form of a standardized social survey on the probability sample of the adult population of... -
The launch of the participatory blog on everyday life and society was triggered by the Covid-19 epidemic, which radically changed daily routines and daily habits, thus... -
Spremljanje epidemije covid-19: Sledilnik in podatkovna infrastruktura v Slov...
Raziskava preučuje potek in razloge za vzpostavljanje prostovoljnega projekta COVID-19 Sledilnik, ki je nastal v času izbruha epidemije koronavirusa SARS-Cov-2 v Sloveniji in je... -
Zagon participativnega spletnega dnevnika o vsakdanjiku in družbi je sprožila epidemija Covid-19, ki je korenito spremenila dnevne rutine in vsakdanje navade ter s tem...