Nutrients (F. Malien). Status - final. S Plus - up to date. Samples frozen to -20C and measured at the lab in Kiel -January 15-20/2009,All nutrient values flagged questionable. very large scatter in the data. In addition about 1/4 of the bottles were broken in the transport although these don't seem to be any worse than the other samples,O2 (K. Stange). Status - final. Precision estimated to 0.4 umol/kg from 82 replicate measurements, O2 The standard solution for the titration was found to be accurate to better than 0.27% based on comparison to two independent reference materials from WAKO inc. (USA) and Bjerknes Center in Bergen, Oxygen concentrations in deep water samples are consistent to GLODAP and CARINA databases as well as more recent data to within 1.3%.