Supplemental Material for: Testing the Test: Observations When Assessing Visualization Literacy of Domain Experts


These documents contain supplemental material for the paper "Testing the Test: Observations When Assessing Visualization Literacy of Domain Experts" which was conditionally accepted at the BELIV 2024 Workshop in conjunction with the IEEE VIS 2024 Conference.

The CSV file contains the summaries of the important parts of the interview, each assigned to a category. The PDF document contains the interview questions, the defined categories, and the questionnaire.

Metadata Access
Creator Öney, Seyda ORCID logo; Abdelaal, Moataz ORCID logo; Kurzhals, Kuno ORCID logo; Betz, Paul ORCID logo; Kropp, Cordula ORCID logo; Weiskopf, Daniel ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Öney, Seyda; Weiskopf, Daniel; Abdelaal, Moataz; Kurzhals, Kuno; Betz, Paul; Kropp, Cordula
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG EXC 2120/1 - 390831618
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Öney, Seyda (Universität Stuttgart); Weiskopf, Daniel (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type survey material, interview; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values; application/pdf
Size 52534; 3154259
Version 1.0
Discipline Psychology; Social and Behavioural Sciences