Turkish makam symbolic phrase dataset


This study presents a large machine-readable dataset of Turkish makam music scores segmented into phrases by experts of this music. The segmentation facilitates computational research on melodic similarity between phrases, and relation between melodic phrasing and meter, rarely studied topics due to unavailability of data resources.

The dataset consists of 31362 phrases on a set of 480 scores of different compositions annotated by 3 experts.

DOI https://doi.org/10.34810/data446
Metadata Access https://dataverse.csuc.cat/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.34810/data446
Creator CompMusic
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference European Comission 267583
Rights Custom Dataset Terms; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; https://dataverse.csuc.cat/api/datasets/:persistentId/versions/1.0/customlicense?persistentId=doi:10.34810/data446
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Other; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/octet-stream; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; text/tab-separated-values; application/x-ipynb+json
Size 15715; 15778; 10316; 27548; 27716; 19083; 19105; 20179; 20284; 12769; 22298; 22571; 10557; 10103; 11789; 21705; 21547; 22491; 22926; 51328; 51888; 18900; 18553; 20315; 27115; 26865; 34935; 31345; 31679; 21945; 22202; 48191; 42735; 42987; 30240; 29399; 12663; 22291; 22331; 19600; 27831; 28083; 33324; 33495; 25421; 25526; 21885; 21418; 19512; 9852; 29893; 30190; 18038; 18682; 7753; 15444; 14077; 23098; 23270; 54738; 23284; 23318; 15304; 25123; 10086; 26794; 27289; 19790; 19516; 11356; 13432; 10226; 8011; 8069; 16676; 17234; 25593; 19810; 20149; 20774; 30739; 30911; 28281; 28673; 17541; 26753; 20912; 20609; 24; 30808; 30490; 53873; 55764; 41652; 40317; 19969; 20204; 47957; 54199; 17244; 81490; 10427; 20301; 26641; 27086; 52413; 21112; 21201; 48859; 14246; 13182; 26149; 26979; 26977; 27639; 36317; 17588; 17410; 23111; 22572; 16654; 17497; 12824; 13192; 26576; 26705; 11023; 11452; 11720; 15829; 15860; 19040; 28521; 29538; 31033; 25900; 28009; 21133; 21325; 20111; 20220; 13276; 13068; 38065; 36678; 32916; 37432; 36273; 29088; 27687; 17741; 18446; 25173; 25697; 23401; 21905; 39640; 38038; 19378; 18586; 26456; 26125; 10371; 27031; 26288; 16946; 17858; 14652; 15579; 16552; 17380; 17461; 16231; 23901; 25212; 16768; 16818; 19848; 21063; 25360; 23918; 29862; 29532; 27897; 27906; 32413; 13267; 13805; 20171; 20439; 18481; 18083; 14744; 14929; 34151; 34052; 25659; 20140; 19967; 33712; 34927; 10708; 11252; 29432; 30822; 29789; 29377; 12108; 11838; 24692; 24522; 32432; 32604; 21644; 20715; 21058; 20801; 19114; 19854; 23102; 23294; 19784; 19303; 21636; 26001; 27147; 25463; 23075; 19886; 18968; 39344; 39203; 16204; 15249; 33557; 34447; 35248; 38040; 20756; 13430; 13350; 14459; 18594; 13842; 13814; 13274; 12868; 60650; 29355; 28123; 11846; 22502; 22991; 20217; 19778; 13516; 9750; 9307; 21674; 21301; 19143; 19468; 16926; 17111; 10486; 10567; 18246; 20603; 18437; 9203; 9884; 17526; 17259; 22847; 23180; 25220; 25673; 16474; 16582; 29422; 25096; 24200; 23442; 24662; 23995; 27173; 28000; 20860; 47106; 41828; 17672; 18490; 20783; 21491; 30511; 29407; 21703; 21495; 6023; 6204; 37395; 35760; 20959; 20521; 23388; 12961; 13127; 27128; 20173; 20280; 42216; 36747; 20198; 25495; 25741; 25171; 32603; 32763; 29263; 30088; 21774; 21474; 19638; 19482; 30847; 30884; 38554; 37485; 25714; 24368; 19263; 18532; 12132; 12858; 12847; 17272; 16883; 16872; 16735; 8296; 7922; 22129; 22204; 29357; 27498; 12992; 13537; 17528; 17901; 25239; 25824; 13297; 13188; 24850; 23898; 19098; 18991; 22349; 22958; 21778; 22468; 28257; 28234; 9096; 9254; 21593; 21617; 32268; 31303; 21924; 21796; 15082; 14996; 25916; 22776; 22190; 40156; 34281; 33413; 19135; 19564; 18092; 17494; 41810; 43353; 16429; 25107; 13849; 8187; 30120; 15448; 17023; 8591; 18640; 15722; 23110; 21991; 38331; 39977; 40767; 39978; 25617; 25444; 31067; 31278; 29995; 29157; 29143; 28972; 23928; 24575; 25907; 26611; 27466; 27066; 41337; 41873; 15070; 16132; 28473; 27190; 13722; 13974; 15183; 15480; 25968; 25818; 19420; 24089; 24998; 18966; 19589; 25973; 9720; 12758; 28195; 28229; 26109; 23516; 21142; 21019; 17739; 17136; 21838; 22465; 33364; 34139; 23541; 23412; 202; 9955; 24448; 24086; 33642; 33373; 19159; 19510; 17593; 17718; 23562; 23718; 8349; 25585; 25729; 25597; 25841; 32456; 31981; 9559; 19862; 19681; 42151; 26157; 25840; 16519; 16206; 17223; 16728; 16368; 16108; 24198; 23326; 29129; 29760; 27842; 26676; 19049; 19103; 40988; 40616; 29868; 29952; 20724; 20402; 26778; 26767; 13918; 12871; 12703; 19710; 28228; 27786; 37186; 36868; 20540; 20365; 14287; 24381; 24667; 10723; 11530; 49814; 8643; 31718; 32307; 42853; 42277; 7862; 8032; 26739; 26545; 10699; 35557; 35871; 19243; 19001; 18987; 14193; 14124; 18599; 18645; 29277; 29085; 22546; 23094; 17759; 17830; 23250; 23506; 19679; 19626; 14305; 14384; 14396; 37476; 37255; 29512; 29926; 33685; 33344; 22535; 28204; 28033; 23375; 23044; 18722; 19369; 25516; 25131; 44157; 32493; 24890; 25412; 12880; 12210; 18328; 17416; 23774; 23806; 22902; 23727; 36159; 35929; 14030; 14059; 18874; 19610; 15764; 18539; 18464; 23542; 23076; 22605; 22014; 13338; 14873; 32562; 31864; 9658; 9468; 18231; 18904; 16094; 17065; 26067; 26037; 14063; 14402; 26088; 25356; 24064; 25270; 18820; 18932; 21526; 21034; 23914; 23529; 24215; 24323; 23229; 23970; 26284; 26658; 23573; 23113; 6940; 6675; 102990; 66600; 64463; 20118; 19768; 24035; 23833; 28439; 29328; 15002; 15403; 23178; 23282; 14472; 14371; 38764; 40110; 11820; 11531; 16196; 14977; 21379; 21493; 22566; 22076; 16924; 19488; 20240; 14363; 14690; 28406; 29319; 22832; 23033; 22400; 22062; 16543; 16970; 16045; 15770; 20644; 20141; 19840; 20944; 12938; 12936; 24380; 23414; 20668; 19653; 18685; 18691; 19726; 20355; 22927; 23683; 29359; 28184; 19517; 19365; 12379; 12845; 18612; 19454; 22078; 21169; 18803; 18442; 17882; 17612; 13797; 27604; 29614; 30576; 19867; 19924; 18920; 19240; 23151; 24206; 10937; 10440; 29343; 29153; 21851; 22995; 26457; 24526; 23130; 23237; 2280; 18415; 18134; 20148; 20695; 31653; 32680; 22517; 22622; 21038; 19823; 28446; 30043; 17011; 17115; 18754; 18608; 18570; 18528; 19170; 19699; 27973; 28063; 36157; 34356; 14028; 14211; 19086; 18573; 26017; 36208; 36557; 23546; 23645; 25192; 25108; 19126; 19181; 19025; 19265; 31106; 32605; 31792; 12740; 12527; 7958; 7525; 248686; 9527; 44049; 35368; 35547; 2314; 33567; 31272; 29206; 28680; 30412; 31139; 33055; 17607; 12039; 12472; 18331; 18225; 21909; 21687; 11047; 18617; 22269; 20313; 20193; 18821; 18451; 21532; 22611; 22415; 22330; 12430; 12406; 18120; 17686; 15581; 15283; 11094; 10932; 18370; 29170; 29367; 23258; 23046; 22495; 21730; 20130; 2427; 2429; 26241; 25365; 17103; 16981; 16954; 17028; 19380; 21043; 20039; 20161; 45763; 10397; 10474; 6797; 6939; 11568; 13442; 13173; 14940; 27932; 28510; 28327; 27757; 17744; 16991; 14169; 15395; 12266; 24520; 24440; 20304; 19388; 19196; 18835; 20108; 19666; 21091; 20799; 24023; 15916; 15626; 19756; 20100; 16003; 16201; 20298; 18918; 19492; 19015; 10765; 10915; 16665; 16794; 25901; 19803; 20821; 10987; 10660; 25510; 26810; 21476; 21094; 18748; 19442; 58161; 59299; 30175; 29719; 5973; 12540; 12698; 52461
Version 1.0
Discipline Fine Arts, Music, Theatre and Media Studies; Humanities; Music