Using up-to-date model atmospheres (Heiter et al. 2002A&A...392..619H) with the turbulent convection approach developed by Canuto, Goldman & Mazzitelli (1996ApJ...473..550C, CGM), quadratic, cubic and square root limb darkening coefficients (LDC) are calculated with a least square fit method for the Stroemgren photometric system. This is done for a sample of solar metallicity models with effective temperatures between 6000 and 8500K and with logg between 2.5 and 4.5. A comparison is made between these LDC and the ones computed from model atmospheres using the classical mixing length prescription with a mixing length parameter {alpha}=1.25 and {alpha}=0.5. For CGM model atmospheres, the law which reproduces better the model intensity is found to be the square root one for the u band and the cubic law for the v band. The results are more complex for the b and y bands depending on the temperature and gravity of the model. Similar conclusions are reached for Mixing Length Theory (MLT) {alpha}=0.5 models. As expected much larger differences are found between CGM and MLT with {alpha}=1.25. In a second part, the weighted limb-darkening integrals, b_ell_, and their derivatives with respect to temperature and gravity, are then computed using the best limb-darkening law. These integrals are known to be very important in the context of photometric mode identification of non-radial pulsating stars. The effect of convection treatment on these quantities is discussed and as expected differences in the b_ell_ coefficients and derivatives computed with CGM and MLT {alpha}=0.5 are much smaller than differences obtained between computations with CGM and MLT {alpha}=1.25. The limb darkening coefficients are given here for the u, v, b and y bands and for CGM models, MLT {alpha}=0.5 models and MLT {alpha}=1.25 models.