Measuring the opinions of the Dutch population regarding criminality. Bicycle theft: victim of, preferred way of punishment / Burglary: victim of, preferred way of punishment / Preference regarding methods to deal with drug-related crimes: thefts by addicts, junks/ heroine smuggling / Rape, sexual violence, assault, stabbing, vandalism, soccer-vandalism / Effectiveness of methods to deal with criminality / Perceived probability of falling victim to various forms of crime / Government efforts to prevent crime sufficient? Opinion on special criminality-tax / Cuts in government-expenditures in other sectors acceptable in order to spend more on crime fighting / Opinion on various ways of crime-prevention / Ways to spend possible extra money: strengthening the police force, more jails, more judges, more social help for criminals or victims, more surveillance etc / What types of crime should get more or less attention from the police / How to deal with the shortage of cells? Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables