GLIMPSE 360 Catalog

GLIMPSE360 is a Warm Mission Spitzer Cycle 6 Exploration Science Program (PIDs 60020, 61070, 61071, 61072, 61073, 70072) that mapped 187 degrees of longitude of the Galactic plane that have not been mapped by previous Spitzer Galactic Plane surveys (GLIMPSE, GLIMPSEII, GALCEN, GLIMPSE3D, Vela Carina, SMOG and Cygnus-X). The specific Galactic longitudes covered by GLIMPSE360 are l=65◦-76◦, 82◦-102◦, and 109◦-265◦. The latitude range is about 2.8◦. The latitude center follows the Galactic warp. GLIMPSE360 completes the full circle of the Galactic plane.

The GLIMPSE360 Catalog (GLM360C, or the “Catalog”) consists of the highest reliability point sources. For each IRAC band the Catalog provides fluxes (with uncertainties), positions (with uncertainties), the areal density of local point sources, the local sky brightness, and a flag that provides information on source quality and known anomalies present in the data.

To access this resource via TAP, issue ADQL queries on the table named glimpse360c.

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Metadata Access
Creator GLIMPSE team
Publisher NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive
Publication Year 2015
OpenAccess true
Contact IRSA Support Team <irsasupport(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Physics