Microbial genomics for derisking offshore oil and gas exploration in Nova Scotia

This project used DNA-based methods to identify microorganisms in deep sea sediments of the Scotian Slope. Its aims included establishing a microbial baseline of this region, determining bioindicator species for thermogenic hydrocarbon seepage, and determining bioindicator species for oil reservoirs.

Source https://data.blue-cloud.org/search-details?step=~0124F0AD20DE6A1107F779479D69B44498B6D755553
Metadata Access https://data.blue-cloud.org/api/collections/4F0AD20DE6A1107F779479D69B44498B6D755553
Instrument Illumina MiSeq; ILLUMINA
Publisher Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service; ELIXIR-ENA
Contributor University of Calgary
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact blue-cloud-support(at)maris.nl
Discipline Marine Science
Spatial Coverage (-64.938W, 41.372S, -59.108E, 43.435N)
Temporal Coverage Begin 2015-06-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2018-08-01T00:00:00Z