Pore water data of sediment incubation experiments under anoxic conditions
Enhanced mineral dissolution in the benthic environment is currently discussed as a potential technique for ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) to reduce atmospheric carbon... -
Sediment characteristics of samples from the Chatham Rise, Southwest Pacific
We examined changes in environmental parameters following an experimental benthic disturbance using a modified plough (estimated 15 cm penetration) on the Chatham Rise (~450 m... -
Sediment disturbance experiment data with samples from the Chatham Rise, Sout...
We examined changes in environmental parameters following an experimental benthic disturbance using a modified plough (estimated 15 cm penetration) on the Chatham Rise (~450 m... -
Macro-infaunal community structure on the Chatham Rise, Southwest Pacific
We examined changes in environmental parameters following an experimental benthic disturbance using a modified plough (estimated 15 cm penetration) on the Chatham Rise (~450 m... -
Age model of sediment core M144_5-6 from the central western Aegean Sea
The dataset contains an age-depth model, dry bulk density measurements and sedimentation rates for the Kasten Core M144 KC5-6, collected in the central western Aegean Sea... -
Pore water data of laboratory incubation experiments on enhanced benthic weat...
Enhanced mineral dissolution in the benthic environment is currently discussed as a potential technique for ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) to reduce atmospheric carbon... -
XRF data of sediment core YL16-5A from the Yellowstone Lake, USA
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XRF data of sediment core YL16-2C from the Yellowstone Lake, USA
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Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) paleo-dust record
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Pre-industrial Holocene (pi-HOL) paleo-dust record
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Chlorophyll a and phaeopigments at the sediment-water interface in the Canadi...
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Organic geochemistry of ODP Site 202-1234
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Organic contaminants in sediment core from Duluth-Superior Harbor at Minnesot...
Organic contaminants that were not detected:1-Methylnaphthalene; 1,1-Dichloroethane: 1,1-Dichloroethene; 1,1-Dichloropropene; 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane;... -
Geochemistry of core HAV-KU-6 from The Archipelago Sea, northern Baltic Sea, ...
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(Table 3-3) Rates of carbon dioxide assimilation, methane formation, and meth...
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(Table 3-2) Rates of carbon dioxide assimilation, methane formation, and meth...
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(Table 3-1) Rates of carbon dioxide assimilation, methane formation, and meth...
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Particle flux studies of sediment trap EPT, eastern Pakistan margin trap
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Isotopes, TOC, TN, CaCO3 and accumulation rate of sediment core GeoB4234-1
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Seasonal highly branched isoprenoid concentration and isotope data from Brown...
Concentrations, hydrogen (δ2H) and carbon isotopes (δ13C) of highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs) from sediment trap samples from Brown's Lake in Ohio. Measurements also included...