Interview with Sanneke Stigter on DIAL for Complex Artworks. Online, 30 April 2021


The interview is part of a Master's thesis for the International Master in Cinema Studies (IMACS), including studies at Roma Tre University; Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3; and University of Amsterdam, October 2019–July 2021. The interview was conducted online due to the corona virus pandemic, each of the participants in their home setting. As a background, the thesis is firstly articulated within the sociological dimension to reflect theoretically on themes, such as the value of artworks, their aesthetic function and the role of the author. Then, it focuses on the history of contemporary art conservation and on all the problems that the new forms of art impose on various stages in the life of an artwork: interpretation, exhibition, and conservation. Finally, it concludes with a verification of all the information gathered through a dialogue with an expert. The subject is a research project of the interviewee, Digital Index of an Artwork’s Live (DIAL) for Complex Artworks, resulting in a digital collection management application. The DIAL tool is used during the interview as a Leitmotif, aiming, however, at a broader contextualization. In fact, the dialogue rarely goes into the specifics of its technical functioning, preferring instead an investigation of the methodologies and theories that support it.

Metadata Access
Creator Raffaella Tartaglia ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Datasteward; University of Amsterdam
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference NWO 314-98-094
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Datasteward (Faculty of Humanities)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; charset=UTF-8; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; application/zip; application/octet-stream; application/pdf
Size 9957; 57944; 1854; 1684; 8189; 9348; 10602; 63108531; 400843861; 55701; 53906; 322516
Version 2.5
Discipline History; Humanities; Philosophy