The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite was launched on June 7, 1992 from Cape Canaveral, Florida on a Delta II rocket. The payload contains three EUV scanning telescopes equipped with imaging detectors as well as a Deep Survey Spectrometer instrument which divides the light from a fourth telescope between an imaging detector and three EUV spectrometers. The wavelength range is 10-60nm, corresponding to an energy range of 20-120eV, in the 4 bands: 10nm : Lexan/Boron, 58-174{AA}, 89{AA}peak DS: Lexan/Boron, 67-178{AA}, 91{AA}peak (Deep Survey) 20nm : Al/Ti/C, 156-234{AA}, 171{AA}peak DS: Al/C, 157-364{AA}, 171{AA}peak (Deep Survey) 40nm : Ti/Sb/Ti/Al, 368-590{AA}, 405{AA}peak 60nm : Sn/SiO, 519-742{AA}, 555{AA}peak More details about the EUVE performances may be found in the paper by Sirk et al. (1997ApJS..110..347S) The EUVE Source Catalog published in 1996 paper is made of three source tables, plus a list of associations for each table: - survey.dat lists the 514 objects detected during the all-sky survey. - deepsurv.dat lists the 35 sources detected by the deep survey of half the ecliptic plane; three deep survey objects are also detected in the all-sky survey. - detect.dat lists 188 sources that have been detected in other ways, principally by deep exposures with the scanner telescopes as part of the Right Angle Program through 24 December 1994 (later RAP detections are reported in the 1999 paper) The corresponding association tables are idsurvey, iddeepsu.dat and iddetect.dat respectively, in which one EUVE source may by associated to 0, one or more counterparts. In nearly all cases the associated objects lie within 1arcmin of the actual source position. The all-sky catalog of faint EUV sources published in 1997 lists the faint sources detected jointly by EUVE and ROSAT WFC. The 1999 paper lists the detections made from the observations since the first EUVE RAP catalog (1994 January) and covers 17% of the sky.
Cone search capability for table IX/35/survey (All-sky survey (1996 paper))
Cone search capability for table IX/35/deepsurv (Deep Survey of half the ecliptic plane (1996 paper))
Cone search capability for table IX/35/detect (Sources detected in other ways (1996 paper))
Cone search capability for table IX/35/faint (Joint EUVE-ROSAT Detections (1997 paper))
Cone search capability for table IX/35/rap (Right Angle Program (RAP) data (1999 paper))