Socio-historical investigation into the functioning of poor-relief in the city of Amsterdam, between approximately 1800 and 1850. Based on registration documents of institutions for poor relief (Lutheran: P1163A/ Jewish: P1163B and municipal: P1163C), these files contain background data on the poor receiving or applying for financial assistance.
P1163A contains 2553 cases and spans the period 1829-1854. Data on sex, marital status, age and age of partner, number of children under 15, starting year of financial aid, ending year, reason for ending aid, occupation and occupation of partner, family size.
P1163B contains 2723 cases receiving assistance from the Ashkenazic Jewish Relief Council in 1809. Data on sex, age, marital status, number of children under 15, kind of aid, occupations, illness.
P1163C contains 3572 cases and spans the period 1808-1854. Data on periods of receiving aid, age, place of birth, its region and number of inhabitants, marital status, age of partner, occupation of man, illness, religion and religion of partner, reasons to end the aid, age and sex of children.
Files P1163D contain data on members of the Amsterdam economic, social- and political elite involved in poor relief. These 6 files are Dbase-format database-files.
Files P1163L contain several financial statistics of the institutions of poor relief and a number of statistics of the municipal financial accounts (assets and liabilities, subsidies, taxes). These 10 files are LOTUS-format spread-sheet files. All original documents reside at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive.