Continuous meteorological and snow hydrological measurements for 2013-2023 from three automatic weather stations (AWS) in the upper Rofental, Ötztal Alps, Austria


The data comprises time series from three automatic meteorological and snow-hydrological stations situated in the Rofental (1891–3772 m a.s.l., Ötztal Alps, Austria). The recordings have been collected from Jan 2017 to Aug 2023. Some data sets represent continuations of time series at existing locations, others come from new installations complementing the scientific monitoring infrastructure in the research catchment. The stations are situated at 2737, 2805, and 2919 m a.s.l. and include automatic measurements of meteorological (temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and radiation fluxes) and snow-hydrological variables (snow depth, snow water equivalent, volumetric solid and liquid water content, snow density, layered snow temperature profiles, snow surface temperature, and snow drift).

The data are sampled by fully automatic weather stations (AWS). The data retrieved by the sensors is stored on a logger in 10 min. temporal resolution. The data is continuously transferred by GSM to a server. The data processing consists of transfer of the raw data from the logger to a data server, basic processing steps (e.g., temperature correction long-wave radiation, decumulating precipitation measurements), and a semi-automatic correction for erroneous values.

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Metadata Access
Creator Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck
Publisher GFZ Data Services
Contributor Department of Geography, University of Innsbruck; Marke, Thomas; Rottler, Erwin; Strasser, Ulrich; Warscher, Michael
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC BY 4.0;
OpenAccess true
Contact Warscher, Michael (University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria)
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Geospheric Sciences
Spatial Coverage BellaVista (elevation: 2805 m); Latschbloder (elevation: 2919 m); Proviantdepot (elevation: 2737 m)