The survey on the professional integration of graduates is part of the system of surveys on the transition from education to employment. As its primary objective, these surveys want to detect the employment status of young people in a predetermined distance from an educational qualification (respectively, diploma, degree, doctorate). The choice to analyze the phenomenon at a certain distance from the qualification, traditionally detected in "three years", is motivated both by the need to take account of the conclusion of further qualification activities and by the fact that the time of insertion in the labour market is not short, especially if you also want to investigate the quality of their job. Despite the previous editions, the survey of 2015 on graduates in 2011 used mixed tecniques Cati/Cawi. The 2015 survey on the professional integration of graduates was conducted at a greater distance from degree (four years) and for the first time it has investigated on the employment outcomes of graduates in 2011 biennial specialized courses (the "+2" introduced with the reform of the academic cycles in Italy). In fact, the greatest distance from graduation has allowed us to follow, longitudinally, graduate people in "three-year" courses in 2011 (Bachelor's degree) to the possible consecutive specialist degree, obtaining early feedback on how many workers also have obtained a specialist degree since 2011. This edition of the survey includes: - graduates in "three-year" courses (Bachelor's degree); - graduates in "single-cycle" courses (which includes, in addition to specialist degrees/single-cycle degrees, the 4-6 years "traditional" degrees); - graduates in specialist degree/master (two-year duration). The survey questionnaire is divided into five sections. the first section, which covers all respondents, deals with the information on studying/training activities carried out from the high school diploma to the time of the interview, with particular attention to the degree program concluded in 2011: any other academic degrees before graduating in 2011; reasons for the choice of the University; possible recognition of course credits; course attendance; satisfaction with their choices of study; etc.. The second section is devoted to work and it is only addressed to people claiming to perform a work activity. Among others, these pieces of information are asked: employment, sector of economic activity, employment status, type of contract, occupation, work schedule, earnings, current job satisfaction. In particular, with reference to the earnings, for the first time in the 2011 edition of the survey, different questions were adopted depending on whether the respondent was a self-employed person (in this case it was asked for annual net salary) or an employee or a project worker (in these cases it was asked for the monthly net salary). The third section is devoted to the job search, and it is only addressed to respondents that they were looking for job. These pieces of information are asked: the last action regarding the job search; the preferred type of work and schedule; the propensity to moving from your country/city; etc... The fourth section deals with mobility, and it is designed to collect information on: residence prior to enrollment at the university; any transfers for study purposes; place where he usually lives at the time of the interview and motivations, etc.. Finally, the last section of the questionnaire is addressed to all respondents, collecting information on: parents' education level and job; interviewee's marital status, children (if any) and living situation (whom s/he lives with) of the interviewee.
58400 individuals. Single-stage stratified random sample
Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)
web-based self-administered questionnaire (CAWI)