Source code accompanying the paper:Koopman, P., Lubbers, M. & Plasmeijer, R. (2018). A Task-Based DSL for Microcomputers. In R. Stewart (Ed.), RWDSL2018: Proceedings of the Real World Domain Specific Languages Workshop 2018, Vienna, Austria — February 24 - 24, 2018 (pp. 1-11). New York: ACM doi: 10.1145/3183895.3183902This is a snapshot of the mTask git repository: Internet of Things, IoT, makes small connected computing devices almost omnipresent. These devices have typically very limited computing power and severe memory restrictions to make them cheap and power efficient. These devices can interact with the environment via special sensors and actuators. Since each device controls several peripherals running interleaved, the control software is quite complicated and hard to maintain.Task Oriented Programming, TOP, offers lightweight communicating threads that can inspect each other’s intermediate results. This makes it well suited for the IoT. In this paper presents a functional task-based domain specific language for these IoT devices. We show that it yields concise control programs. By restricting the datatypes and using strict evaluation these programs fit within the restrictions of contains a brief description of the filesmTaskExamples.icl: contains the example mTask programs.icl, .dcl: contain the mTask library Clean ( source files