Assessing the climate effect of mitigation strategies for road traffic: The c...
The data contains the code of TransClim: written in Python 2. -
Source code of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM1.2) adopted to the project PRIMAVERA for the comparison of four different ocean vertical mixing schemes. -
Replication Code for: Error Analysis of Randomized Symplectic Model Order Red...
This dataset includes the code to reproduce the results from the paper titled "Error Analysis of Randomized Symplectic Model Order Reduction for Hamiltonian systems". In this... -
Source Code for: Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture
Python source code to replicate the results in [S. Burbulla, M. Hörl, and C. Rohde (2022). "Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture." Submitted for publication,... -
Replication Code for: Error Analysis of Randomized Symplectic Model Order Red...
This dataset includes the code to reproduce the results from the paper titled "Error Analysis of Randomized Symplectic Model Order Reduction for Hamiltonian systems". In this... -
Source Code for: Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture
Python source code to replicate the results in [S. Burbulla, M. Hörl, and C. Rohde (2022). "Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture." Submitted for publication,... -
Source code for the interpreted mTask language
Source code accompanying the paper:M. Lubbers, P. Koopman, and R. Plasmeijer, ‘Interpreting Task Oriented Programs on Tiny Computers’, in Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on... -
Source code of the resource analysis compiler
Source code accompanying the paper Markus Klinik, Jurriaan Hage, Jan Martin Jansen, and Rinus Plasmeijer. Predicting resource consumption of higher-order workflows. In... -
Source code for the mTask language
Source code accompanying the paper: Koopman, P., Lubbers, M. & Plasmeijer, R. (2018). A Task-Based DSL for Microcomputers. In R. Stewart (Ed.), RWDSL2018: Proceedings of the... -
Source code of the resource-time analysis compiler
Source code accompanying the paper: Klinik, M., Jansen, J.M. & Plasmeijer, R. (2017). The Sky is the Limit: Analysing Resource Consumption Over Time Using Skylines. In N. Wu... -
Source code for a simplified mTask language integrated with the iTask system
Source code accompanying the paper: Lubbers, M., Koopman, P. & Plasmeijer, R. (2018). Task Oriented Programming and the Internet of Things. In M. Cimini (Ed.), IFL 2018... -
Source code for the multitasking mTask language integrated with the iTask system
Source code accompanying the paper:Lubbers, M., Koopman, P. & Plasmeijer, R. (2019). Multitasking on Microcontrollers using Task Oriented Programming. In M. Koricic (Ed.), 2019... -
Compromised through Compression: Python source code for DLMS compression priv...
Python code (for Python 3.9 & Pandas 1.3.2) to generate the results used in "Compromised through Compression: Privacy Implications of Smart Meter Traffic Analysis". Smart...