Raziskava sodi v sklop rednih mesečnih telefonskih anket, namenjenih spremljanju zadovoljstva z delom vlade in ocenjevanja razmer v državi. Raziskava vključuje tudi ocenjevanje podpore vstopu v Evropsko unijo. Aktualne teme meseca so bile podpora kandidature Andreja Bajuka za predsednika vlade in poznavanje telefonske številke 080 1200 za posredovanje koristnih informacij in seznanjenost z uporabo tajnih ukrepov policije.
This research is a part of regular monthly phone polls intended on following the levels of satisfaction with work of the Government and assessment of conditions in the country. Research also includes assessment of support for joining the European Union. Topical issues of the month were evaluation of support for candidacy of Andrej Bajuk for Prime minister, acquaintance with the police anonymous tip number 080-1200 and others secret measures of Slovene police.
Verjetnostno: večstopenjskoProbability.Multistage
Probability: MultistageProbability.Multistage
Telefonski intervju: CATIInterview.Telephone.CATI
Telephone interview: Computer-assisted (CATI)Interview.Telephone.CATI