A 6-year simulation of the coastal ocean and adjacent deep sea of the northeast U.S. continental shelf has been computed using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) coupled to a biogeochemical (BGC) model of nitrogen and carbon cycling. The simulation covers the period 1-Jan-2007 to 30-Dec-2013 on a 7-km horizonal grid with 40 vertical terrain-following s-coordinate levels.
The physical circulation model is as described by Lopez et al. (2020) and is forced by regional meteorological analyses, observed daily river discharges, and open boundary information from the Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service (CMEMS) global analysis augmented by harmonic tides. The ocean biogeochemical model is an adaptation of Druon et al. (2010) as described by Feng et al. (2015) and Lopez (2020). The BGC model state variables are concentrations of NO3, NH4, chlorophyll, phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, large and small detritus (N and C fractions), semilabile DOC and DON, Total Inorganic Carbon, alkalinity and dissolved oxygen. Additional diagnostic BGC model terms that are archived are air-sea fluxes of O2 and CO2, ocean surface pCO2, primary productivity (nitrogen and carbon), nitrate uptake, carbon flux to the seafloor, carbon and nitrogen burial, and benthic denitrification.
The files available for direct download here are examples only. The full simulation comprises more than 150 GB of data as daily averages on the native ROMS coordinate grid and is made openly accessible via a THREDDS (Thematic Real-time Environmental Distributed Data Services) web service that supports geospatial and temporal sub-setting. All ROMS model outputs are in netCDF format and the data and metadata follow CF-Conventions for the description of coordinates and variables.
The physical and BGC model state variables are at: https://tds.marine.rutgers.edu/thredds/catalog/roms/doppio/catalog.html?dataset=doppio_1d_bgc_oa_013_averages .
The BGC model diagnostic terms are at: https://tds.marine.rutgers.edu/thredds/catalog/roms/doppio/catalog.html?dataset=doppio_1d_bgc_oa_013_diagnostics..
These simulation results underpinned recent work of Wright-Fairbanks et al. (2024) on sea scallop responses to ocean acidification.
Druon, J.-N., A. Mannino, S. Signorini, C. McClain, M. Friedrichs, J. Wilkin and K. Fennel (2010), Modeling the dynamics and export of dissolved organic matter in the Northeastern U.S. continental shelf, Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 88, 488-507. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2010.05.010
Feng, Y., M. Friedrichs, J. Wilkin, H. Tian, Q. Yang, E. Hofmann, J. Wiggert and R. Hood (2015), Chesapeake Bay nitrogen fluxes derived from a land-estuarine-ocean biogeochemical modeling system: Model description, evaluation, and nitrogen budgets, Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 120, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015JG002931
López, A. G., (2020), Modeling the circulation and timescales of the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine, PhD thesis, pp.147, Rutgers University, https://doi.org/doi:10.7282/t3-d1e6-jz61
López, A. G., J. L. Wilkin and J. Levin, (2020), Doppio – a ROMS (v3.6)-based circulation model for the Mid-Atlantic Bight and Gulf of Maine: configuration and comparison to integrated coastal observing network observations, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 3709–3729, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-13-3709-2020
Wright-Fairbanks, E., Munroe, D., Hunter, E., Wilkin, J., and Saba, G.K. (2024), Meta-Analysis of Larval Bivalve Growth in Response to Ocean Acidification and its Application to Sea Scallop Larval Dispersal in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. Estuaries and Coasts, in press