The dataset includes EMG and GRF data recorded at Slow walking of 0.788m/s of 4 subjects and preferred walking speed of 3 subjects while they were wearing the exosuit BATEX. Each subject was recorded in 4 different settings (without the exosuit, with the exosuit without a control (so it is mainly the weight of the exo), using the exosuit with an empirically developed control and using the exosuit with en RL-based control).
The file names for the EMG data and the GRF data are structured by the subject number, the speed, the type of data, and the setting used to record that data.
Descriptions of how to use the Matlab code are provided in the Matlab files. First, run "GetStepsFromEMG" to create the average steps for each subject. With "CreateGraphs" the average step of all subjects is created as well as the plots.