Planetary nebulae with GALEX, SDSS & PS1 data

Planetary nebulae (PNs) consist of an ionized envelope surrounding a hot central star (CSPN) that emits mostly at ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths. UV observations, therefore, provide important information on both the CSPN and the nebula. We have matched the PNs in the Hong Kong/Australian Astronomical Observatory/Strasbourg H{alpha} (HASH) catalog with the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) UV sky surveys, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data release 16, and the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) PS1 second release. A total of 671 PNs were observed by GALEX with the far-UV (FUV; 1344{AA}-1786{AA}) and/or the near-UV (NUV; 1771{AA}-2831{AA}) detectors on (GUVPNcat); 83 were observed by SDSS (PNcatxSDSSDR16) and 1819 by Pan-STARRS (PNcatxPS1MDS). We merged a distilled version of these matched catalogs into GUVPNcatxSDSSDR16xPS1MDS, which contains a total of 375 PNs with both UV and optical photometry over a total spectral coverage of ~1540{AA}-9610{AA}. We analyzed separately 170 PNs resolved in GALEX images and determined their UV radius by applying a flux profile analysis. The CSPN flux could be extracted separately from the PN emission for 8 and 50 objects with SDSS and Pan-STARRS counterparts, respectively. The multiband photometry was used to distinguish between compact and extended PNs and CSPNs (binary CSPNs) by color-color diagram analysis. We found that compact PN candidates could be identified by using the r-i{<}-0.4 and -1<FUV-NUV}-0.4) can be identified in the color region (FUV-NUV)<=6(r-i)+1.3, -0.8<FUV-NUV<0.4, and r-i<0.75.

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/266/34/table6 (Matched PNcat database with the GALEX surveys (GUVPNcat))

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/266/34/table7 (Matched PNcat database with the SDSS DR16 database (PNcatxSDSSDR16))

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/266/34/table8 (Matched PNcat with the Pan-STARRS PS1 MDS database (PNcatxPS1MDS))

Cone search capability for table J/ApJS/266/34/table9 (Comprehensive matched catalog of GALEX, SDSS, and Pan-STARRS with the PNcat including only unique matches (GUVPNcatxSDSSDR16xPS1MDS))

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Metadata Access
Creator Gomez-Munoz M.A.; Bianchi L.; Manchado A.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2023
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Interstellar medium; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy