VIRMOS deep imaging survey. VVDS-F02 catalog

The Franco-Italian VIRMOS project has delivered the VIMOS spectrograph for the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope (ESO-VLT). VIMOS is a VIsible imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph with outstanding multiplex capabilities: with 10 arcsec slits, spectra can be taken of 600 objects simultaneously. In integral field mode, a 6400-fibre Integral Field Unit (IFU) provides spectroscopy for all objects covering a 54x54arcsec^2^ area.

Cone search capability for table II/286/bcat (B-band catalog (Johnson))

Cone search capability for table II/286/vcat (V-band catalog (Johnson))

Cone search capability for table II/286/jcat (J-band catalog (Johnson))

Cone search capability for table II/286/kcat (K-band catalog (Johnson))

Cone search capability for table II/286/rcat (R-band catalog (Cousins))

Cone search capability for table II/286/icat (I-band catalog (Cousins))

Cone search capability for table II/286/morph (Morphological catalog (in filter I))

Cone search capability for table II/286/ucat (*U-band catalog (Ueso and Uloiano bands))

Related Identifier
Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator McCracken H.J.; Radovich M.; Iovino A.; Temporin S.,Adami C.; Arnaboldi M.; Arnouts S.; Bardelli S.; Bertin E.; Bolzonella M.,Bondi M.; Bongiorno A.; Bottini D.; Brinchmann J.; Busarello G.; Cappi A.,Charlot S.; Ciliegi P.; Contini T.; Cucciati O.; Cuillandre J.-C.,Dantel-Fort M.; De La Torre S.; Foucaud S.; Franzetti P.; Garilli B.,Gavignaud I.; Gregorini L.; Guzzo L.; Gwyn S.; Ilbert O.; Lamareille F.,Le Brun V.; Le Fevre O.; MacCagni D.; Marano B.; Marinoni C.; Massarotti M.,Mathez G.; Mazure A.; Mellier Y.; Meneux B.; Merighi R.; Merluzzi P.,Paioro L.; Paltani S.; Pello R.; Picat J.P.; Pollo A.; Pozzetti L.,Ripepi V.; Rizzo D.; Saracco P.; Scaramella R.; Scodeggio M.; Tresse L.,Vergani D.; Vettolani G.; Walcher C.J.; Zamorani G.; Zanichelli A.; Zucca E.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2009
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics