The survey on the views of deputies’ on the functioning of the Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia gives insight into the views of deputies on some of the basic elements of parliamentary democracy in a country in transition and within the institution, which is in the process of its transformation. In this way, perception is observed in more detail representation of interests, which is one of the fundamental components of a parliamentary mandate, but also to observe the entire structure of Parliament with the operation of working groups at the forefront. The survey seeks to discover how deputies perceive the role and functioning of the working bodies of the Assembly of the Republic, the role of working bodies in the Assembly decision-making, the relationship between the working bodies and government departments, Government role in decision-making process, the integration of deputies, the relationship between the coalition and the opposition, interest groups and political parties and in general estimates work and efficiency of working bodies and the Assembly. Special attention is also paid to the opinions of deputies about the Assembly's amendments.
Total universe/Complete enumerationTotalUniverseCompleteEnumeration
Self-administered questionnaireSelfAdministeredQuestionnaire