Using Gaia DR3 data, we identified an extended (~60pc) group of stars sharing common motion but scattered in space, including from 150 to 300 probable members, named Group V. It can be associated with a group identified by Getman et al. (2019MNRAS.487.2977G, Cat. J/MNRAS/487/2977) and by Jerabkova et al. (2019MNRAS.489.4418J) as a relic of a gas filament, traced by the mutual position of stars after the gas is swept out. We estimate its age approximately as 16 million years. A combination of methods is applied to select probable members of the Group V. We discuss kinematical characteristics of the stars of Group V and the controversial clues they provide for understanding of its nature. Due to the vicinity of a number of open clusters in the space, differentiating between members of the group and of the clusters is problematic and mutual contamination inevitable. The pair of clusters Gulliver 6 and UBC 17b is wrapped inside the Group V, but differs from it in kinematics.
Cone search capability for table J/other/Galax/11.99/tablea1 (Dataset A: probable group members selected with direct methods (see paper, section 2.1, table A1))
Cone search capability for table J/other/Galax/11.99/tablea2 (Dataset B: bright probable group members selected combining statistical method and clustering algorithm (see paper, section 2.4, table A2))