Abell 1914 multiwavelength radio images


A number of radio observations have revealed the presence of large synchrotron-emitting sources associated with the intra-cluster medium. There is strong observational evidence that the emitting particles have been (re-)accelerated by shocks and turbulence generated during merger events. The particles that are accelerated are thought to have higher initial energies than those in the thermal pool but the origin of such mildly relativistic particles remains uncertain and needs to be further investigated. The galaxy cluster Abell 1914 is a massive galaxy cluster in which X-ray observations show clear evidence of merging activity. We carried out radio observations of this cluster with the LOw Frequency ARay (LOFAR) at 150MHz and the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 610MHz. We also analysed Very Large Array (VLA) 1.4GHz data, archival GMRT 325MHz data, CFHT weak lensing data and Chandra observations. Our analysis shows that the ultra-steep spectrum source (4C38.39; {alpha}<~-2), previously thought to be part of a radio halo, is a distinct source with properties that are consistent with revived fossil plasma sources. Finally, we detect some diffuse emission to the west of the source 4C38.39 that could belong to a radio halo.

Cone search capability for table J/A+A/622/A22/list (List of fits images)

Associated data

DOI http://doi.org/10.26093/cds/vizier.36220022
Source https://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/lp/custom/CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/622/A22
Related Identifier https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/cat/J/A+A/622/A22
Related Identifier http://vizier.cds.unistra.fr/viz-bin/VizieR-2?-source=J/A+A/622/A22
Related Identifier https://cdsarc.cds.unistra.fr/assocdata/?obs_collection=J/A+A/622/A22
Metadata Access http://dc.g-vo.org/rr/q/pmh/pubreg.xml?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_b2find&identifier=ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/A+A/622/A22
Creator Mandal S.; Intema H.T.; Shimwell T.W.; van Weeren R.J.; Botteon A.,Roettgering H.J.A.; Hoang D.N.; Brunetti G.; de Gasperin F.; Giacintucci S.,Hoekstra H.; Stroe A.; Brueggen M.; Cassano R.; Shulevski A.; Drabent A.,Rafferty D.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2019
Rights https://cds.unistra.fr/vizier-org/licences_vizier.html
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)unistra.fr>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Cosmology; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Physics