This dataset includes the treatment and outcome variables of a survey experiment conducted among citizens, elected representatives, and central government administrators as part of the KODEM_DEMO pilot conducted in winter/spring 2020/2021 ( The code (STATA do-file) allows for a full replication of the core analyses.
A complete documentation of the original (including methodological reports) is available as follows:
Norwegian Citizen Panel, round 19, file version "Norsk medborgerpanel - runde 19k1 - v-102-L.dta",
Norwegian Panel of Representatives, round 4, file version "The Panel of Elected Representatives - round 4k1 - v-102.dta",
Norwegian Panel of Public Administrators, round 1, file version "Norsk forvaltningspanel - runde 1k1 - v-101-L.dta",