EUDAT D8.2: Report on technology watch


WP8 aims at developing proof-of-concept services and data models to complement and extend the EUDAT service offer to fill the gaps in supporting communities Data Life Cycles (DLCs). Part of these gaps have been identified in the initial phase of the work and documented in D8.1 and 5 potential services have been considered to address the needs from the communities (DLC modelling and provenance tracking, directives, dynamic data, semantic services and workflow repositories). The aim of this deliverable is to present a summary of the different technological approaches that we investigated to support the design of the prototype services and data models identified in D8.1 and implemented in task 8.2 (D8.3, data models) and task 8.4 (D8.4, service design and prototypes). This document presents the two distinct but related topics of investigation: the existing data models that could support the design of DLC models and a directive language, as well as the existing technologies to support the usage of graph-based data, workflow descriptions, directives, semantic resources and dynamic data. These descriptions are not meant to be exhaustive but reflect the results of our current state of knowledge. Based on these analyses, we have been able to identify the appropriate technologies and models to start the implementation of the prototype services and the data models.

Metadata Access
Creator Le Franc, Yann; Dima, Emanuel; Rajapakse, Asela; Schentz, Herbert; Goldfarb, Doron; Wohner, Christoph; Queralt, Anna; Miranda, Alberto; Cortes, Toni
Publisher EUDAT B2SHARE;
Publication Year 2018
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Text
Format pdf
Size 2.4 MB; 1 file
Version 1.0
Discipline Other