Supplementary Data: Simulating past land use patterns; the impact of the Romans on the Lower-Rhine delta in the first century AD


This dataset cotains supplementary data for the journal article "Simulating past land use patterns; the impact of the Romans on the Lower-Rhine delta in the first century AD" published in the "Journal of Archaeological Science Research"

Metadata Access
Creator Kleijn, de, Maurice (ORCID: 0000-0003-2379-191X)
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Kleijn, de, Maurice
Publication Year 2018
Rights CC0 Waiver; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Kleijn, de, Maurice (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Resource Type Dataset
Format image/tiff; application/octet-stream; text/x-fixed-field; text/csv; application/zipped-shapefile; text/xml; text/html; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; text/plain
Size 131334; 131634; 130124; 132782; 133744; 132318; 131592; 131768; 132864; 129892; 131414; 132456; 130966; 133148; 134348; 133108; 131632; 133158; 132744; 131158; 131440; 131928; 130216; 132896; 133866; 132360; 131724; 130002; 132976; 132036; 4489; 131474; 132048; 130480; 132938; 133852; 132710; 131756; 132192; 133018; 130318; 39094; 53041; 131524; 132156; 130600; 133004; 134004; 132736; 131792; 74; 132206; 133086; 130476; 9126; 131530; 132234; 130670; 133042; 134194; 132924; 131788; 133080; 132434; 130674; 8375; 3445; 131488; 132282; 130726; 133048; 134238; 132914; 131790; 130858; 133100; 132378; 4543; 3329; 131486; 130776; 133098; 134200; 132968; 132450; 133166; 130886; 131476; 130864; 133114; 134214; 131742; 132578; 133172; 130976; 131342; 130880; 133112; 134298; 133096; 131694; 132682; 131024; 131404; 132406; 130892; 133126; 134302; 133116; 131638; 131114; 132706; 6281; 3758; 49621428; 111; 1019240; 16018; 1140; 3756; 3762; 6392; 17556623; 138478; 1219; 14172; 5; 214; 767; 4570; 4859; 30224; 498; 3252; 4365; 77516790; 450; 49674; 48125; 45894; 2890; 185; 133; 170; 1256; 7488; 1936896; 15221; 3013; 337510; 20281682; 18397; 49589778; 112; 1947944; 49561870; 1900978; 158; 119; 66384; 92; 161870; 134; 33464; 825; 597816; 5091; 9376891; 2714; 57682; 765; 21231104; 374; 108310; 790293; 2055; 210860; 8976; 348; 1705; 77; 6898; 6901; 7276; 19962; 3482; 1045; 2548; 5092; 4986; 21214; 5684; 113; 135944; 159606; 343696; 114; 1464110; 18100811
Version 1.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Humanities; Life Sciences; Natural Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences