This dataset contains tabular files recording occurrences of the verb REGRET complemented by a that- or (S) -ing-complement clause (CC) in the GloWbE corpus. Tokens were retrieved using the online interface ( and manually annotated for several syntactic and semantic variables (variety, text type, finiteness, subject in the main clause (MC), voice of the CC, meaning of the verb in the CC, subject in the CC, animacy of the subject in the CC, words in the CC, coreferentiality, intervening material, negation in the CC, temporal relation). See ReadMe file for more details. Related publication: Romasanta, Raquel P. 2022. “I regret lying” VS. “I regret that I lied”: Variation in the clausal complementation profile of REGRET in American and British English. Miscelánea 65: 37-58